Check out this very inclusive sight with scientific information on a variety of topics. This is the website of Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD. He is the inventor of email, a scientist, an engineer, author, entrepeneur, speaker and more who is originally from India. Topics on this website include the following: saying ‘no’ to GMO’s, Systems Approach to Medicine, Immune Boosting Protocol, The Truth About Artificial Intelligence, Science of Masks and Oral Health, a video of our voting systems and how they work as well as what happened in this recent presidential election and so much more. If you want very fact based scientific information with educated guests check out this website or one of his books.
Of our current voting system and how things are run he says in a video clip that we as Americans need to “Get educated or be enslaved.”
A quote that I like by him from his website is: “Today we have bread but no health. We have land but no freedom. We have peace without truth.”